Everyday care

Hey everyone !

So my first post will be about my everyday care. It seemed logical to start from here since before applying makeup you need a fresh healthy skin. It’s all about cleaning and hydrating. Just note that I have an oily to mix skin, so we may not all react the same to these steps or products.

1st step : washing

I wash my face with the Exfoliac gel wash. I love it, it’s not aggressive and I really feel like my skin is completely clean. It does leave my skin a little bit dry though. I use this product in the morning, and before going to bed. Use  cold not hot water.

2nd step : cleaning

I then use the BIODERMA Créaline H2O to remove the last impurities. Its my all time favorite product! I really recommend it if you don’t have it : very gentle, fragrance-free micellar, it helps capture fatty molecules such as dirt, oil, and make-up, leaving the skin cleansed and soothed. For best use, soak a cotton pad and cleanse your face and eyes. No rinsing is required.

Some people may find the washing step a bit aggressive so its up to you whether you wanna skip this step.  You can use the H20 directly.

3rd Step : Hydrated skin  = happy skin

After washing the face you need to apply a good moisturized base for your eye area, face, and neck. The goal is to keep your skin soft and supple, specially during winter. Am using the Avene Hydrance Optimale Rich Hydrating Cream : its a very gentle, creamy texture and  penetrates quickly. I really feel like the fine lines in the face are minimized. During summer its better to use the Light one, cause your skin tend to be more oily. I use the same cream day and night.

Same for the eye contour cream, its the one from Avene. You can check in the Tips & tricks category how to apply an eye contour. Apply it twice a day and let it dry for several minutes before applying any makeup on the eye area.

Now that you’re fresh and clean, you can move on to the makeup part !
